Malaria Diagnosis,Treatment & Preventive Therapies

Main Strategic Objective
To prevent the occurrence of mortality related to malaria infection through universal access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment and targeted provision of preventive therapies for vulnerable groups
Strategic Approaches
- Provide universal access to appropriate quality and timely malaria diagnosis to all eligible (symptomatic and asymptomatic) people according to the guidelines
- Provide universal access to appropriate, quality and timely treatment to all people with malaria.
- Provide appropriate and effective services to reduce the risk of malaria infection and its complications among populations biologically and socioeconomic vulnerable to malaria.
- Deploy appropriate malaria case management and preventive therapies interventions in suitable epidemiological and operational areas, in the event of emergency situations, and in peculiar population groups to reduce the risk of severe morbidity and mortality
Malaria Diagnosis
Strategic Approaches
Provide universal access to appropriate quality and timely malaria diagnosis to all eligible (symptomatic and asymptomatic) people according to the guidelines
Malaria Diagnosis Service delivery mechanisms
- Provide high-standard, accessible, affordable, equitable, and quality-assured malaria testing services for people seeking treatment in the public health sector.
- Facilitate the provision of high-standard, accessible, affordable, and quality-assured testing to people seeking treatment in the private sector
- Facilitate the provision of high-standard, accessible, affordable, and quality-assured testing to patients seeking treatment fever managements beyond the operational health facilities
- Provide quality-assured and quality control in all malaria testing services
- Introduce evidence-based, innovative diagnostic tools/system for malaria detection and differential diagnosis of other pathogens causing febrile illnesses
Treatment of Malaria
Strategic Approach
Provide universal access to appropriate, quality and timely treatment to all people with malaria.
Malaria Treatment Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Provide highly efficacious, accessible, affordable, equitable, and quality-assured antimalarial to patients seeking treatment in the public sector
- Facilitate the provision of accessible, affordable, and quality-assured antimalarial to patients seeking treatment in the private sector
- Facilitate the provision of high-standard, accessible, affordable, and quality-assured management to patients seeking treatment beyond the operational health facilities in identified suitable operational areas
- Provide high-quality severe malaria management services by skilled providers in public, private and community
Malaria Preventive Therapies
Strategic Approach
Provide appropriate and effective services to reduce the risk of malaria infection and its complications among populations biologically and socioeconomic vulnerable to malaria.
Malaria Preventive Therapies Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Increase the uptake of IPTp3+ and CPT the HIV positive pregnant women in health facilities in low, moderate and high transmission areas to reduce vulnerability in pregnancy.
- Introduce the provision of SP for IPTi during vaccination schedule during infancy in high malaria risk areas
- Introduce targeted antimalarial preventive therapies to identified vulnerable groups within high malaria risk areas.
- In the event of the introduction of a malaria vaccine, the country is able to rapidly scale up its use in suitable epidemiological and operational areas
Malaria Case Management in Vulnerable Population and Special Situation
Deploy appropriate malaria case management and preventive therapies interventions in suitable epidemiological and operational areas, in the event of emergency situations, and in peculiar population groups to reduce the risk of severe morbidity and mortality
Malaria Case Management in Special Situation Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Provide appropriate initiatives as response to emergency situation including outbreak
- Introduce malaria case management as part of case based surveillance response in identified very low transmission areas
- Introduce the provision of selected diagnosis and treatment approaches for risk mitigation and burden reduction through focal testing and treatment and mass drug administration in suitable epidemiological and operational areas
- Improve malaria case management for specific population groups to be targeted with special initiatives