Girl in a jacket


National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP)

Girl in a jacket

Malaria Diagnosis,Treatment & Preventive Therapies

Responsive image

Main Strategic Objective

To prevent the occurrence of mortality related to malaria infection through universal access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment and targeted provision of preventive therapies for vulnerable groups

Strategic Approaches

Malaria Diagnosis

Strategic Approaches

Provide universal access to appropriate quality and timely malaria diagnosis to all eligible (symptomatic and asymptomatic) people according to the guidelines

Malaria Diagnosis Service delivery mechanisms

Treatment of Malaria

Strategic Approach

Provide universal access to appropriate, quality and timely treatment to all people with malaria.

Malaria Treatment Service Delivery Mechanisms

Malaria Preventive Therapies

Strategic Approach

Provide appropriate and effective services to reduce the risk of malaria infection and its complications among populations biologically and socioeconomic vulnerable to malaria.

Malaria Preventive Therapies Service Delivery Mechanisms

Malaria Case Management in Vulnerable Population and Special Situation

Deploy appropriate malaria case management and preventive therapies interventions in suitable epidemiological and operational areas, in the event of emergency situations, and in peculiar population groups to reduce the risk of severe morbidity and mortality

Malaria Case Management in Special Situation Service Delivery Mechanisms
