Girl in a jacket


National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP)

Girl in a jacket

Integrated Malaria Vector Control

Responsive image

Main Strategic Objective

Reduce malaria parasites transmission by maintaining recommended evidence-based vector control interventions according to the targeted malaria risk strata (areas).

Strategic Approaches of IMVC

Background of IMVC

The IMVC is one of the core interventions of the National Malaria Control Programme which aims to prevent human-vector contact in a cost effective manner to cover the entire population at risk of malaria in all epidemiological and ecological settings by rendering the environment unsuitable for mosquito breeding. Integrated Malaria Vector Control (IMVC), has two core interventions which are IRS and LLINs supplemented by LSM (biological larviciding and source reduction). The integration with the control efforts of other vector borne diseases intends to maximize the benefits.

Interventions in IMVC

1: Long Lasting Insecticide treated Nets (LLINs)

Strategic Approach for LLINs

Ensure universal access to LLINs according to malaria transmission settings

LLINs Service Delivery Mechanism

2: Indoor Residual Spray

The indications to implement IRS as a strategy for both disease burden reduction and elimination. The followings are the conditions where IRS is indicated.

In all areas eligible for IRS should consider the cost effectiveness and the possible additional benefits especially if there is high access and use of LLIN, especially PBO for insecticide 32 resistance mitigation.

Strategic Approach for IRS

Consolidate and expand IRS in epidemiologically and operationally suitable areas.

IRS Service Delivery Mechanisms

3: Larval Source Management (LSM)

 In Tanzania, Larval Source Management (LSM), specifically by using bio larvicides, is one of the malaria interventions that attracts attention at all levels. The Government currently supports its implementation in all 184 councils within the 26 regions.

 Strategic Approach

Implement appropriate, sustainable and quality Larval Source Management (larviciding, environmental management and biological control) interventions in suitable epidemiological and operational areas.

LSM Service Delivery Mechanisms

4: Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM)

Strategic Approach

Provide a strategic framework for coordination and continuous assessment for the implementation of evidence-based Vector control innovations.

IRM&M Service Delivery Mechanisms

Currently there is ongoing insecticides resistance monitoring for all classes of insecticides used for IRS and impregnated nets in 22 sentinel districts in order to observe the performance of insecticides and updating the country insecticides resistance profile. Insecticide’s rotation is implemented in IRS operation areas as guided by the current Insecticides resistance monitoring and management plan
