Girl in a jacket


National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP)

Girl in a jacket

Social Behavioral Change & Advocacy

Responsive image

Main Strategic Objective

To strengthen an enabling environment where individuals at risk from malaria are empowered to protect themselves and their families from malaria and seek proper and timely malaria-treatment

Strategic Approach

Malaria Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

Strategic Approach

Reinforce and update knowledge and practice amongst all community members about appropriate malaria prevention, testing and treatment, promote desired positive behavior and social norms about healthy behaviors

Malaria IEC Service Delivery Mechanisms

Promote Malaria Services for Vulnerable groups

Strategic Approach

Maintain high knowledge and improve good practices amongst vulnerable groups with elevated risk of malaria infection so that they are aware about their specific risk, prevention and treatment options available to them.

Reaching Vulnerable Community Service Delivery Mechanisms

Community Engagement in Malaria Prevention and Care

Strategic Approach

Encourage communities to utilize and implement community-based malaria control and elimination initiatives

Community Engagement Service Delivery Mechanisms

Public Private Partnership

Strategic Approach

Strengthen Public Private Partnership to maximize SBC efforts and ensure consistence in fight against malaria

Public Private Partnership Service Delivery Mechanisms


Strategic Approach

Increase visibility for specific malaria campaigns to politicians, communities and general public so that malaria become a priority agenda at all levels

Malaria Advocacy Service Delivery Mechanisms
