Social Behavioral Change & Advocacy
Main Strategic Objective
To strengthen an enabling environment where individuals at risk from malaria are empowered to protect themselves and their families from malaria and seek proper and timely malaria-treatment
Strategic Approach
- Reinforce and update knowledge and practice amongst all community members about appropriate malaria prevention, testing and treatment, promote desired positive behavior and social norms about healthy behaviors
- Maintain high knowledge and improve good practices amongst vulnerable groups with elevated risk of malaria infection so that they know about their specific risk, prevention and treatment options available to them.
- Encourage communities to utilize and implement community-based malaria control and elimination initiatives
- Strengthen Public Private Partnership to maximize SBC efforts and ensure consistence in fight against malaria
- Increase visibility for specific malaria campaigns to politicians, communities and general public so that malaria become an agenda and priority at all levels.
Malaria Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
Strategic Approach
Reinforce and update knowledge and practice amongst all community members about appropriate malaria prevention, testing and treatment, promote desired positive behavior and social norms about healthy behaviors
Malaria IEC Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Improve capacity of healthcare workers to effectively provide accurate and relevant information to patients, pregnant women and caretakers of under-five on desired behaviors for malaria prevention and treatment
- Improve capacity of community health workers to effectively provide accurate and relevant malaria information during their interaction with community members
- Develop and implement mass media campaign with key target audience at different levels using different communication channels to maintain knowledge level and spark actions
Promote Malaria Services for Vulnerable groups
Strategic Approach
Maintain high knowledge and improve good practices amongst vulnerable groups with elevated risk of malaria infection so that they are aware about their specific risk, prevention and treatment options available to them.
Reaching Vulnerable Community Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Develop and implement SBC outreach program for marginalized and disadvantaged vulnerable groups in all-malaria transmission areas
- Develop and implement school-based SBC programs to provide malaria messages
- Addressing potential gender-related barriers for uptake of malaria interventions at the household and community level
Community Engagement in Malaria Prevention and Care
Strategic Approach
Encourage communities to utilize and implement community-based malaria control and elimination initiatives
Community Engagement Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Create an enabling environment to establish malaria community-based intervention package that include promotion, LSM, CmCM and mCBS (including guideline, training package and M&E supervision systems).
Public Private Partnership
Strategic Approach
Strengthen Public Private Partnership to maximize SBC efforts and ensure consistence in fight against malaria
Public Private Partnership Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Strengthen existing malaria SBC fora to ensure coordinated and harmonized implementation of the SBC strategy to all implementing partners at all levels including private sector
Strategic Approach
Increase visibility for specific malaria campaigns to politicians, communities and general public so that malaria become a priority agenda at all levels
Malaria Advocacy Service Delivery Mechanisms
- Strengthening advocacy for malaria to high level leaders, influential people, regional and council leaders to raise the profile of malaria, get support and prioritization of malaria interventions at all levels
- Implement specific malaria campaigns to increase visibility